Day 11: Playas F*** up too…

Do you want to know what’s super hard? Consistency. It’s true, consistency is key, but I don’t think a lot of us think about how hard it is to be consistent. I believe we would all love to show up and be the best versions of ourselves at all times. The hard truth is in this wonderful place called earth, being the 100% best version of us hard to achieve. Now, I’m not saying that we can’t because I’m sure we can all recount having at least one kick ass day. However, I think we can all transparently admit to having moments when impulses and bad habits have taken control of the wheel in our lives. Of course, this can look very different to every person. It could show up in our lives as little white lies, impulse spending on Amazon Prime day, the secret late-night cookie dough obsession that has lasted for two months, or the habitual relationship with addiction. I do not believe the actual impulse or habit stops us from being our best selves. Personally, all playas fuck up too. It’s shame and guilt from the action causing us to regress to our worst systems to feel comfortable, safe, and valid.

I encourage everyone to take out some time to journal and reflect on a few topics after reading this post to help you identify what habits you have in place when striving to be your best self:

Where or when are you showcasing your best self?

What places or communities are safe spaces for you to be vulnerable, authentic, and courageous?

What habits are in place when you’re being your best self?

Think about what you like to do or experience when you’re feeling your best. Also, think about the people or communities you engage with.

What are your impulses when you’re not being your best self?

Think about what you like to do or experience when you’re not feeling your best. Also, think about the people or communities you engage with.

When I did this journal exercise, I was able to gain clarity on how I respond to adversity. I gained more awareness to acknowledge when I was falling into a bad habit. This leads me to call it out and replace it with  good habits that will help me show up the best way I can at the moment. I believe the more we raise awareness of our habits and systems, the better the process will be when we’re striving to be consistent. Consistency is not about falling because everyone does that. Consistency, is about how you get up once you realized you’ve fallen down. 

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